North and East Yorkshire Endurance Group of GB
Eudurance Group

AGM 2021

As with most things we are having to alter how we go about holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year it is going to be done via a webinar and will be held on Friday 22nd January 2021 at 7pm. You will find that this has been added on to the National Endurance website/clubhouse and can be found on the events calendar ( ).

In order to ensure that you are able to attend our AGM you will have to sign up for it via the Endurance GB website. Once signed up and nearer the time, I will email you again with the link to enable you to join the webinar along with the minutes from our last AGM, an agenda and any other information which you may require. You can join the webinar online or by telephone.

This seems like the ideal time to put the invite out there to any of you who may want to join us on our committee. This can be something which is covered in the AGM if any of you would like to join us! We are a friendly bunch, honest!! In a normal year we have a meeting every six weeks, more regularly if required. Until this year all our meetings were held at The Feather's in Helmsley, however this year they have all been done via zoom and will continue to be this way while we have COVID present.

It is also a good time for any of our members to put forward any proposals which you may have. An example of a proposal is one which the committee would like to put forward (forwarded by Sarah Wilkinson and seconded by Heidi Lewis). Proposal: To give ride organisers a ride voucher to enable them to enter one of our groups pleasure rides free of charge. These vouchers will be handed out at the AGM.

So if any of you have any ideas then why not let us know and these can be discussed at the AGM. We would need any proposals sending over to myself by the 12th January 2021

Remember that as a group we really do value our members thoughts and opinions. If you would like to raise something with us then please do contact any member of our committee. If you would like to, you would be more than welcome to attend a committee meeting to discuss your thoughts with us. 

Any questions please send me an email.

Best Wishes, 

Nikki Brown
Group Secretary 








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