After a ride, you complete the middle of the distance card and then ask the relevant ride secretary on the ride day to sign to confirm you have completed the distance. You can only claim for rides than you successfully complete, ie if you run out of time, don’t complete or your horse does not pass the final vetting, you can’t claim the kms/points. At the end of the season, you complete the back of the card, any competitive rides you do, will earn you points, this information is available from the main EGB website, under results, it’s the riders responsibility to find that information. If you don’t complete the back of the card prior to sending the card to the trophy secretary, you won’t be entered for the relevant Awards and could miss out. Collect a Distance Card from the group secretary, please note you must be a member/associate member to receive one of these cards before you can starting collecting your kms/points. It’s one per horse.